Addiction Slogans

Pull the plug on drugs!

Pull the plug on drugs!


Users are losers, and losers are users.

Users are losers, and losers are users.


Delete drugs or they will delete you from this world.

Delete drugs or they will delete you from this world.


Love saves lives. Drugs take lives

Love saves lives. Drugs take lives


When you huff and you puff you will blow your life away.

When you huff and you puff you will blow your life away.


Drugs are like knife which kills your entire life

Drugs are like knife which kills your entire life


Get on High on GRADES not on DRUGS

Get on High on GRADES not on DRUGS


If your having drug problems i feel sorry for you son i got 99 problems but drugs isnt one

If your having drug problems i feel sorry for you son i got 99 problems but drugs isnt one


No drug user grows old; because they die young.

No drug user grows old; because they die young.


D.E.A.D -drugs end all dreams

D.E.A.D -drugs end all dreams