Alzheimer’s Disease Slogans
I wear PURPLE for my mom
I walk for my MOM & DAD
Hope for Alzheimer cure
Alzheimer? make it a distant memory
I stand with my hero to win the battle
Standing strong
I am with you in the fight against Alzheimer
I will never give up
Fight till death
I love my mom
I have a reason to end Alzheimer
I walk so future Generation will not have to
We promise to honor, remember, Care and Fight
Always remember those who cannot
Fight till cure
Alzheimer’s care givers are real heroes
I am walking with my family to end Alzheimer
You are stronger than you think!
We walk so future generation won’t have to face Alzheimer’s
The energy of the mind is the essence of life (Aristotle)
Memory walk is the best walk
Did I forget something this morning?
A walk to end Alzheimer’s disease
The end of Alzheimer’s starts with you
Until all the pieces fit
I am a mother of a fighter
Grandma’s walkers
Someone I love needs a cure
Until there is a CARE there is HOPE
5.2 Million American living Alzheimer’s today