Anti Dating Violence Slogans
Less Piece Means More Peace

Jealousy Can Lead To Felony

Cure Violence

Create Love Not War

No Room In My Heart For Violence

Did The Piece Keep The Peace

To have a fight is just not right

Act like you have evolved, Talk it out to have it resolved

Power to the Peaceful

Act like a a monk, not a punk.

Decrease the violence and increase the peace come on guys let’s have safer streets.

Don’t have a fit, use your wit

Use your brain, Violence is insane

Can’t we all just get along?

don’t punch or hit, instead use your wit

Do the right thing, don’t throw a punch or swing

Smarts you lack if you feel a need to attack

Those who live by the sword shall perish by the sword

Use your words not fists

It is bright not to fight

No matter the question, Violence is not the answer

When in doubt, talk it out

Come up with a resolution, Violence is never a solution

You Deserve More.

Would You Hit Your Mother?

We Need Women, Treat Them Right.

Violence Is Not The Solution. It’s The Problem.

Treat Her With Respect Is What We Expect.

Together We Can Prevent Teen Dating Abuse.

There Is No Excuse For Domestic Abuse.