Anti Drug Slogans
Knowledge speaks, Wisdom listens.

Meth: The Equal Opportunity Destroyer.

I’m free to be me, when I’m drug free!

Avoid a tragic death, stay away from crystal meth.

Drugs make you weak, they make your future bleak

Cocaine will bring you pain

If you wanna be weak, drugs are the things you seek

Just say no!

Your future will zap, if you fall into the drug trap

Imma be, Imma be, Imma be drug free!

Don’t fall into the CRACK

Don’t be insane, Drugs ruin the brain

Drugs are whack, stay on the right track

Drugs: Will you let it get in the way of your dreams?

Drop the weed go do good deeds

Nobody should METH around

Smoking pot will make your brain rot

If you want your life to be bleak, use drugs that make you weak, and there is no future to seek

Drug addiction is not fiction

Drugs hurt, be alert

Its not what its CRACKed up to be

I don’t smoke cuz i ain’t no chimney

Coke is a joke

Drugs are a hole that ruins the soul

If strength and honor is what you seek, Drugs only make you weak