Anti Smoking Slogans

Smoking kills, but it’s the pit stops through cancer diagnosis, chemotherapy, dry heaving and hair loss that I’d worry about

Smoking kills, but it’s the pit stops through cancer diagnosis, chemotherapy, dry heaving and hair loss that I’d worry about


Did you know your mouth is on fire?

Did you know your mouth is on fire?


Don’t be a Butthead

Don’t be a Butthead


You tell your kids what’s in the inside is better than what’s on the outside of a person, how can they believe that if it’s not true about you.

You tell your kids what’s in the inside is better than what’s on the outside of a person, how can they believe that if it’s not true about you.


Kissing a smoker is like licking a dirty ashtray clean.

Kissing a smoker is like licking a dirty ashtray clean.


Be Smart don’t start

Be Smart don’t start


Be a Quitter and you’re a winner

Be a Quitter and you’re a winner


The only smoking we’re doing is on the track.

The only smoking we’re doing is on the track.


Live it or Burn it

Live it or Burn it


Smoke and choke

Smoke and choke


If you can’t stop smoking, cancer will.

If you can’t stop smoking, cancer will.


Tobacco companies kill their best customers.

Tobacco companies kill their best customers.


When You Give Up Smoking It’s a Different World

When You Give Up Smoking It’s a Different World


Smart folks don’t use smokes

Smart folks don’t use smokes


Everyone has a right to clean air.

Everyone has a right to clean air.


You don’t want to smell my butt… don’t make me smell yours.

You don’t want to smell my butt… don’t make me smell yours.


QUIT NOW…Your life depends on it.

QUIT NOW…Your life depends on it.


Smoking? You must be joking

Smoking? You must be joking


Smoking will be a crime in time

Smoking will be a crime in time


Throw away the bill! smoking kills

Throw away the bill! smoking kills


With each cigarette you smoke, you add another nail to your coffin

With each cigarette you smoke, you add another nail to your coffin


Save your lungs, save your life

Save your lungs, save your life


Want to find out more about cancer?…. keep smoking

Want to find out more about cancer?…. keep smoking


If God had wanted us to smoke, he would have given us a separate hole for it.

If God had wanted us to smoke, he would have given us a separate hole for it.


Too much smoke will leave you broke.

Too much smoke will leave you broke.


Cigarettes: You take my breath away.

Cigarettes: You take my breath away.


Only a whako starts tobacco.

Only a whako starts tobacco.


Sometimes quitters do win.

Sometimes quitters do win.


Smoking is like paying someone to kill you. They’re rich; you’re dead.

Smoking is like paying someone to kill you. They’re rich; you’re dead.


Think smoking is cool then you are a fool

Think smoking is cool then you are a fool