Anti Violence Slogans
Where’s the Peace? the Peace?
When in doubt, talk it out.
Violence Prevention Is a Good Way to Go.
Violence Not Wanted.
Use your words not fists.
Use your brain, Violence is insane.
To have a fight is just not right.
Those who live by the sword shall perish by the sword.
There’s no excuse for violence or abuse.
Stop violence against women.
Smarts you lack if you feel a need to attack.
Save Our Streets.
Power to the Peaceful.
Peace is Prevention.
Peace = Prevention.
One Love, One Heart, Conceive of Making Peace and Sustaining Serenity.
Non-Violence Is Life.
No matter the question, Violence is not the answer.
Make a Difference and Stop the Violence.
Kindness to All Is One Swagg Edition.
Just Cool It.
It is bright not to fight
Guns don’t kill, people do.
Give Respect… Get Respect.
Freedom is the key to stop bullying… more fun in life… more education… more money in the future, Woop! Woop!
Forget the Beef… Where’s the Peace (with picture of a Peace Burger).
Don’t punch or hit, instead use your wit.
Don’t have a fit, use your wit.
Do the right thing; don’t throw a punch or swing.
Come up with a resolution, Violence is never a solution.