Breast Cancer Slogans
Fight till the end

Fight, we are with you

Have faith, not fear

Keep calm and move on

Enjoy your life

Fight for you life

Get ready to win

Kick it off your chest

Pink October

Early detection is a better choice

Care for your boobs, care for your child

Healthy boob is a best boob for your child

Kick breast cancer before it kicks you

Hey cute girl, never give up

I will fight, I will win

Every month should be breast awareness month

Wear your pink ribbon

No cancer is ever good

Don’t under estimate the power of pink

Let’s save breasts

Breast matters

Hey girls, take care of your headlights

Join us in this fight

Think pink and live happily

Big or small, we want save them all

Hey cancer, you picked the wrong girl

It’s all about boobs

Feel it and fight for it

Fight like a girl

Boobs need our help