Cancer Slogans
Awareness is the first step
Join us in this fight
Think pink and live happily
Hey cancer, you picked the wrong girl
It’s all about cancer
Feel it and fight for it
Fight like a girl
Boobs need our help
Keep calm and save boobs
Save the hooters
Beat Brest Cancer
I walk for my sister
Wear pink for my MOM
Think pink
The best protection is early detection
Never Give Up Hope
Boobies Make Me Smile
Hey cancer you pick the wrong bitch
A HOPE is the medicine for all the diseases
Keep calm and fight with cancer
Give cancer the Boot
I fight for my wife
Silence is cancer’s best FRIEND
We’re all affected by cancer. We can all do something to help
Fight the fight. Find the CURE
Cancer sucks
I will never give up HOPE
Join the fight
Early detection saves lives
Together we can save more lives