Car Slogans
Citroen Just imagine what Citroen can do for you

Seat Seat. Auto emocion

Holden Holden go

Rover Rover. A class of its own

Toyota New experience of motoring

Toyota Who could ask for anything more?

Toyota You asked for it. You got it

Toyota Drive your dreams

Toyota Get the feeling

Toyota Let’s go places

Toyota Every day

Peugeot The lion goes from strength to strength

Toyota Today tomorrow Toyot

Peugeot The drive of your life

Peugeot Peugeot. Live the pleasure

Alfa Romeo Power for your control

Alfa Romeo Alfa Romeo. Beauty is not enough

FIAT Driven by passion. FIAT

Skoda It’s a Skoda. Honest

Skoda Skoda. Simply Clever

Kia The car that cares

Kia Make every mile count

Kia The power to surprise

Hummer Hummer. Like nothing else

Hummer Like nothing else on earth

Fiat Strada Hand-built by robots

Dodge Dodge. Different

Dodge Grab life by the horns

Dodge Bigger in Texas, Better in Dodge

Volvo Drive Safely