Hepatitis Slogans
Let’s join hands against Hepatitis

You can beat it

Kick it before it kicks you

Keep calm and fight against Hepatitis

Hepatitis is not a game, take it serious

Refuse to loose

Get vaccinated for hepatitis B

Let go

Know it. Confront it

Say yes to Hepatitis Free generation

Be the Voice for Hepatitis awareness

I am Hepatitis Warrior

Hepatitis: Get tested

Hepatitis is a Word not a Sentence

Throw it before it throws you

I have hepatitis not cooties

Hepatitis affects everyone, everywhere. Know it. Confront it

It’s closer than you think

More must be done to stop this silent killer

Hepatitis: Think Again

Prevention of viral Hepatitis. Act now

Prevent Hepatitis: It’s up to you

Another reason to learn your A B C’s

Get tested early, and stay healthy longer

Love your liver and live longer

May is hepatitis awareness month

Hepatitis doesn’t define ME