Malaria Slogans
Keep calm and say no to Malaria

Malaria is not a game

Live & let live

Fight today, live tomorrow

Refuse to loose

Say no to Malaria, Say it to all

No more Malaria

Let us not have even one case of malaria

Conquer Malaria, Get a bed net

Spread the word, spread the net

Come together to spread awareness against Malaria

Stand up for a Malaria free world

Malaria Sucks

National Malaria control program starts with our home

Achieving Progress and Impact

Sustain Gains, Save Lives: Invest in Malaria

Invest in the future: defeat malaria

Beware of the bite

Fight with Malaria

Spray to kill

Bug off Malaria

Malaria protection starts from you

Malaria: it’s not just for breakfast anymore

Make malaria Buzz Off!

Malaria: a disease without borders

Counting malaria out

Let us control mosquito menace….