Relay For Life Slogans

Race to stop Cancer

Race to stop Cancer


You can’t run away from cancer

You can’t run away from cancer


Fighting for a cure, one lap at a time

Fighting for a cure, one lap at a time


Cancel the cancer

Cancel the cancer


Those are too racy. Try something more humorous

Those are too racy. Try something more humorous


Ask me how I can keep you up all night

Ask me how I can keep you up all night


And the year before was

And the year before was


Fighting cancer is our goal. We can do it, it’s in our soul

Fighting cancer is our goal. We can do it, it’s in our soul


Relay of life: Cancer not

Relay of life: Cancer not


Relay for life: Hope is a cure

Relay for life: Hope is a cure


Walk for a CURE

Walk for a CURE


Kick the cancer out of the park

Kick the cancer out of the park


A one night Stand you won’t regret

A one night Stand you won’t regret


Relay for life: Join the Fight

Relay for life: Join the Fight