Secretary Slogans

Vote for the fresh blood

Vote for the fresh blood


Making the world better since 2000 ______

Making the world better since 2000 ______


Just do it. Vote for _____

Just do it. Vote for _____


Vote for best, forget the rest

Vote for best, forget the rest


I win you Win. I’m voting for ________ and so should you!

I win you Win. I’m voting for ________ and so should you!


The girl with the smile, Vote for________

The girl with the smile, Vote for________


I can complete your dreams if you give me your Vote

I can complete your dreams if you give me your Vote


Paws and vote for________

Paws and vote for________


Keep calm and Vote _______for secretary

Keep calm and Vote _______for secretary


The Write choice for secretary

The Write choice for secretary