Student Compaign Slogans
Vote for________, a busy bee!

I promise, I’ll do my best, I’ll never stop to take a rest

Everyone says, ________ for President

Don’t throw your vote away, vote for________

Don’t be a loser, be a chooser

_____ can take you to the skies

Dodge the bullet and Vote for________

Don’t be idiot, vote for _____

I Mustache U to Vote 4________

It will be ruff if_______ isn’t President

My Vote for Hot Girl

I can talk the talk, Vote for________

Vote for your dream, Vote for me

Keep calm and vote for_______

Nobody is perfect and I am nobody so Vote for_______

Vote for _____ or go to Hell

Choosers can choose wisely

Why would you not vote for_______?

Shut up & Vote for _____

Don’t be shy, close your eyes and try

Vote me or Go home

Waste your Vote on me

Life is short therefore Vote for_______

Vote for_______ who could do a better job? Probably Abraham Lincoln but it is not 1860

Vote for me, otherwise I’ll lose again