Student Compaign Slogans

Vote for________, a busy bee!

Vote for________, a busy bee!


I promise, I’ll do my best, I’ll never stop to take a rest

I promise, I’ll do my best, I’ll never stop to take a rest


Everyone says, ________ for President

Everyone says, ________ for President


Don’t throw your vote away, vote for________

Don’t throw your vote away, vote for________


Don’t be a loser, be a chooser

Don’t be a loser, be a chooser


_____ can take you to the skies

_____ can take you to the skies


Dodge the bullet and Vote for________

Dodge the bullet and Vote for________


Don’t be idiot, vote for _____

Don’t be idiot, vote for  _____


I Mustache U to Vote 4________

I Mustache U to Vote 4________


It will be ruff if_______ isn’t President

It will be ruff if_______ isn’t President


My Vote for Hot Girl

My Vote for Hot Girl


I can talk the talk, Vote for________

I can talk the talk, Vote for________


Vote for your dream, Vote for me

Vote for your dream, Vote for me


Keep calm and vote for_______

Keep calm and vote for_______


Nobody is perfect and I am nobody so Vote for_______

Nobody is perfect and I am nobody so Vote for_______


Vote for _____ or go to Hell

Vote for _____ or go to Hell



Choosers can choose wisely

Choosers can choose wisely


Why would you not vote for_______?

Why would you not vote for_______?


Shut up & Vote for _____

Shut up & Vote for _____


Don’t be shy, close your eyes and try

Don’t be shy, close your eyes and try


Vote me or Go home

Vote me or Go home


Waste your Vote on me

Waste your Vote on me


Life is short therefore Vote for_______

Life is short therefore Vote for_______


Vote for_______ who could do a better job? Probably Abraham Lincoln but it is not 1860

Vote for_______ who could do a better job? Probably Abraham Lincoln but it is not 1860


Vote for me, otherwise I’ll lose again

Vote for me, otherwise I’ll lose again